California Prune Board
Created in 1952, The California Prune Board aims to amplify the premium positioning and top-of-mind awareness of California Prunes through advertising, public relations, promotion, nutrition research, crop management and sustainability research, and issues management. The California Prune Board represents approximately 800 prune growers and 28 prune, juice, and ingredient handlers under the authority of the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture.

California Raisin Marketing Board
The California Raisin Marketing Board was created by a State Marketing Order in 1998 and it is 100 percent grower funded. The mission of the California Raisin Marketing Board is to conduct market development activities to improve the demand for all categories of raisin usage, including ingredient usage, and for retail package, both branded and private label. Also, the Board sponsors crop production, nutrition, and market research. Lastly, the mission is to create a positive marketing environment within which the industry can collectively expand the worldwide demand for California Raisins.

International Nut & Dried Fruit Council
The INC is the international umbrella organization for the nut and dried fruit industry. Its members include more than 800 nut and dried fruit sector companies from over 75 countries. INC membership represents over 85% of the world’s commercial “farm gate” value of trade in nuts and dried fruits. The INC’s mission is to stimulate and facilitate sustainable growth in the global nut and dried fruit industry. It is the leading international organization on health, nutrition, statistics, food safety, and international standards and regulations regarding nuts and dried fruits.

Cranberry Marketing Committee
The Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) was established as a Federal Marketing Order in 1962 to ensure a stable, orderly supply of good quality product. Authority for its actions is provided under Chapter IX, Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, referred to as the Federal Cranberry Marketing Order, which is part of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended. This Act specifies cranberries as a commodity that may be covered, regulations that may be issued, guidelines for administering the programs, and privileges and limitations granted by Congress.

California Food Producers
The California League of Food Producers (CLFP) has been the voice and the advocate for California’s food producing industry since 1905.
The California League of Food Producers represents the interests of both large and small food processors and beverage producers throughout the state and works to help ensure a favorable and profitable business environment for its members and the entire food producing industry.

Produce for Better Health Foundation
PBH is committed to transforming how people think about and enjoy fruits and vegetables. We are championing a bold, new initiative – one that leverages insights from behavioral science – to tap into consumers’ emotional connections to food and wellness. Through various communication tools and digital platforms, PBH’s transformative Have A Plant® Movement will inspire consumers with compelling reasons to believe in the powerful role fruits and vegetables can play to fuel happy, healthy and active lifestyles. Have A Plant®.